Upon application approval by the Registrar General, new members will receive the Society’s coveted Membership Certificate from the Assistant Registrar General. The cost of the 8 ½” x 11” Standard Membership Certificate is included in the application fee.
Members interested in purchasing an over-sized Premium Membership Certificate by completing the attached form. The premium certificate measures 11” x 14,” printed on a heavy bright white paper stock with the member’s name hand-inscribed in fine calligraphy. The certificate is designed with retro graphics featuring the Society’s earliest membership certificate designed under the supervision of our founder, Thomas W. Bicknell in 1908.
Members interested in purchasing an over-sized Premium Membership Certificate by completing the attached form. The premium certificate measures 11” x 14,” printed on a heavy bright white paper stock with the member’s name hand-inscribed in fine calligraphy. The certificate is designed with retro graphics featuring the Society’s earliest membership certificate designed under the supervision of our founder, Thomas W. Bicknell in 1908.